ASC 820 – Fair Value Measurement
& Portfolio Valuation

Hybrid Instrument


Have more questions?


Conversion in Fixed Vs. Variable number of Equity Shares

Identification of hidden or embedded derivatives

Valuation Complexities

CCPS by Subsidiary with Put Option Written by Parents

Multiple options written by entities in same group

Calculation of Company Specific Risk Premium

Valuation Complexities

High growth potential

No revenues and operating losses

Uncertain call future potential

Primary asset = IP

Expected ESOP

Negative bottom line

Private entity (non-comparable
listed entities)

How can we help you?

Creating Waterfall Approach

Beta Estimation for unlisted entities

Use of Option Valuation Models

Experience of valuing Securities worth $3000 million

Global Database for globally issued instruments

How can we help you?

Creating Waterfall Approach

Use of Option Valuation Models

Global Database for globally issued instruments

Beta Estimation for unlisted entities

Experience of valuing Securities worth $3000 million

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