Value of Business Transactions


Purchase/acquisition or disposing of a current business/ CGU/ Segment/ any of its asset involves a financial transaction. Business owners and proprietors (at both end – buyer and seller) need to be aware of the actual value of the transaction, to arrive or bargain a fair price during negotiations.

Valuations of transactions encompass the following:
Businesses and separate operations | Land and buildings | Machinery and equipment | Intellectual property and other intangible assets | Loan portfolios and other complex financial assets

Identifying Different Values:

Distressed Value

Relative Value

Valuation Complexities

Fair Value/ Intrinsic Value

Auction Value

Simultaneous Valuation of Financial and Non-Financial Assets

Valuation Complexities

High growth potential

No revenues and operating losses

Uncertain call future potential

Primary asset = IP

Expected ESOP

Negative bottom line

Private entity (non-comparable
listed entities)

How can we help you?

Compliance with all relevant valuation benchmarks

Deal data of various funding arrangements
across the globe

Estimating Value as a Going Concern

Team of IBBI Registered Valuers in all
classes of assets

Return Sensitivity Analysis for Buyers

How can we help you?

Compliance with all relevant valuation benchmarks

Estimating Value as a Going Concern

Return Sensitivity Analysis for Buyers

Deal data of various funding arrangements across the globe

Team of IBBI Registered Valuers in all classes of assets

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